Extremus adstrictus Quaedvl. & Crous, Fungal Systematics and Evolution 3: 127 (2019). Fig. 12
≡ Devriesia adstricta Egidi & Onofri, Fung. Diversity 65: 150 (2014).
MycoBank number: MB 829396; Index Fungorum number: IF 829396; Facesoffungi number: FoF 06849.
Description – see Egidi et al. (2014).
Notes – Devriesia adstricta was introduced by Egidi et al. (2014). However, the rationale classification of D. adstricta and D. antarctica was not provided. These two species were distant from other Devriesia species in their phylogenetic analyses (Egidi et al. 2014). Quaedvlieg et al. (2014) introduced Extremus and included these two taxa into this genus based on a multi-gene phylogenetic analysis. We were unable to obtain fresh collection of species in Extremaceae, thus, a drawing of Extremus adstrictus is provided.

Figure 12 – Extremus adstrictus (redrawn from holotype CBS 118292 = TRN96, Egidi et al. 2014). a, b Dark brown, thick-walled, catenate conidia with a dark median septum. c Meristematic growth.