Entalbostroma J.D. Rogers & P.R. Johnst., Mycotaxon 131(4): 766 (2017)
Index Fungorum number: IF 817225; MycoBank number: MB 817225; Facesoffungi number: FoF 06788; 1 species with sequence data.
Type species – Entalbostroma erumpens J.D. Rogers & P.R. Johnst.
Notes – Entalbostroma is a monotypic genus. Entalbostroma erumpens was described on the dead leaves of Phormium tenax and P. cookianum (Johnston et al. 2016). The genus is characterized by pulvinate to applanopulvinate, orbicular to elliptical to irregular stromata, dark brown ascospores with a germ slit on the flattened side, a hyaline, gelatinous sheath in the sexual and palisade-like layer of short, cylindric conidiophores, and hyaline, smooth, ellipsoid conidia with narrowed, flattened bases (Johnston et al. 2016).