Endoradiciella G. Delgado & Maciá-Vicente, in Crous et al., Persoonia 48: 315 (2022)
Index Fungorum number: IF 845305, MycoBank number: MB 843305, Facesoffungi number: FoF 15025
Type species – Endoradiciella communis G. Delgado & Maciá-Vicente
Note – Root-colonising endophyte living on a variety of plant species. Mycelium sterile and isolated on culture media from surfacesterilised roots of plant hosts. Hyphae often aggregated in tightly packed hyphal cords, with intercalary or terminal, thin-walled chlamydospore-like cells and the formation of crystal bundles in
large and complex structures. The genus differs from its closest phylogenetic relative, Chalara clidemiae (CBS 141319, ex-type culture), by unique fixed alleles in the ITS and LSU loci based on alignments of each separate locus deposited in figshare (10.6084/m9.figshare.19310963). ITS positions: 13 (G), 60 (C), 72 (T), 82 (T), 84 (G), 87 (A), 94 (A), 114 (T), 117 (T), 128 (G), 151 (deletion), 152 (A), 155 (C), 399 (G), 405 (C), 467 (C), 475 (T), 486 (G), 503 (C), 504 (T); LSU positions: 36 (A), 37 (G), 38 (C), 114 (C), 115-116 (T), 119 (insertion), 329 (T), 384 (C), 395 (C), 413 (T), 433 (T), 434 (C), 435 (G), 445 (G).
Endoradiciella communis