Distoseptispora leonensis (M.B. Ellis) R. Zhu & H. Zhang, comb. nov.
MycoBank number: MB; Index Fungorum number: IF; Facesoffungi number: FoF 12579;
Basionym: Sporidesmium leonense M.B. Ellis, Mycol. Pap. 70: 28 (1958).
Synonym: Ellisembia leonensis (M.B. Ellis) McKenzie, Mycotaxon 56: 13 (1995).
Notes: The case of Distoseptispora leonensis is the same as that of D. adscendens, that is, it is the only strain of D. leonensis (HKUCC 10822) reported, with LSU and RPB2 sequence data, which has been proven to phylogenetically cluster in the genus Distoseptispora and has been named as D. adscendens in the phylogenetic tree, though it has not been validly introduced as a new combination. The morphology of strain HKUCC 10822 was also referred to Wu and Zhuang (2006), who described it as having macronematous, mononematous, cylindrical, straight or slightly flexuous, smooth, 5–7-septate, mid-brown to brown conidiophores 110–130 μm long, 6–8 μm wide; integrated, terminal, cylindrical, smooth, pale-brown to brown conidiogenous cells 5–15 × 4.5–5 μm in size; and acrogenous, obclavate, fusiform or ellipsoidal, rostrate, 8–10-distoseptate conidia, 50–75 μm long, 15–18 μm wide at the broadest part, with conical–truncate basal cells 3–4.5 μm wide at the base. This description is consistent with the description and illustration of the holotype of S. leonensis given in Ellis, even regarding the sizes of conidiophores and conidia, though the conidiophore and conidial proliferations are points of difference. The above characters fit the generic features of Distoseptispora well.

Fig. x. Distoseptispora leonensis (redraw according to Wu and Zhuang [14]). (a,b) Conidiophores with conidia.