Diplodia tamaricina Sacc., Syll. fung. (Abellini) 3: 343, Index Fungorum Number: IF200551
Saprobic on stems of Tamarix gallica L. Sexual morph: Undetermined. Asexual morph: Conidiomata 120–320 μm high × 280–500 μm diam. (x = 268 × 418 μm, n = 6), stromatic, solitary to gregarious, immersed to partially erumpent, black, globose to subglobose with a flattened base, uniloculate, sometimes with 2 locules, ostiolate. Conidiomatal wall 35–70 μm (x = 47 μm, n = 20) wide, composed of several layers of dark brown to lightly pigmented cells of textura angularis, becoming hyaline towards the conidiogenous region. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells. Conidiogenous cells 6–15 × 1–3 μm (x = 10.4 × 1.9 μm, n = 15), hyaline, smooth, holoblastic forming conidia at their tips. Conidia 13.5–21 × 8–12 μm (x = 16.8 × 10 μm, n = 40), pale brown to brown, oblong to sub-cylindrical, with broadly rounded ends, aseptate when immature, becoming 1-septate when mature, slightly constricted at septum, smooth-walled.
Material examined: FRANCE, Gallia, Rochefort., on stems of Tamarix gallica L. (syn. T. anglica Webb)
(Tamaricaceae), P. Brunaud (S-F 45168, holotype).
Notes: Although Diplodia tamaricina primarily has typical morphological characters of Diplodia, molecular analysis of sequence data is essential to confirm the placement in Botryosphaeriaceae based on modern taxonomic concepts.
FIG Diplodia tamaricina (holotype) a Herbarium material b, c Conidiomata on host surface d, e Vertical sections through conidiomata f, g Conidiomatal wall h-j Conidiogenous cells and developing conidia k Conidia. Scale bars: d, e = 100 μm, f, g, k = 25 μm, h-j = 10 μm