Dichotomophthora Mehrl. & Fitzp., Mycologia 27(5): 550 (1935).
MycoBank number: MB 506175; Index Fungorum number: IF 506175; Facesoffungi number: FoF 08348; 5 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020), 3 species with molecular data.
Type species – Dichotomophthora portulacae Mehrl. & Fitzp. ex M.B. Ellis, Dematiaceous Hyphomycetes (Kew): 388 (1971).
Notes – Dichotomophthora was revised by Marin-Felix et al. (2019) and four species associated with leaf spots on wide range of host plants were accepted. Crous et al. (2019b) reported closest hits of Dichotomophthora basellae using LSU sequence of isolate CPC 33044 with that of Dichotomophthora lutea, Curvularia papendorfii, Bipolaris cactivora and Drechslera helianthi. Closest hits using the rpb-2 sequence had highest similarity to Dichotomophthora basellae, Dichotomophthora lutea and Bipolaris cactivora.