Curvularia lunata (Wakker) Boedijn, Bull. Jard. bot. Buitenz, 3 Sér. 13(1): 127 (1933) (KAN20) (Dimu)
MycoBank number: MB 269889; Index Fungorum number: IF 269889; Facesoffungi number: FoF 00511; Fig. **.
Basionym – Acrothecium lunatum Wakker, De Ziektan van het Suikerriet op Java: 196 (1898)
Synonyms – Cochliobolus lunatus R.R. Nelson & F.A. Haasis, Mycologia 56: 316 (1964) Pseudocochliobolus lunatus (R.R. Nelson & F.A.Haasis) Tsuda, Ueyama & Nishih, Mycologia 69: 1118(1978) Helminthosporium caryopsidum Sacc. as ‘Helmisporium‘], Annls mycol.12: 313 (1914) Curvularia caryopsidum (Sacc.) Teng [as ‘caryopsida‘], Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Saône-et-Loire, ser. 2: 760 (1964) Curvularia aeria (Bat., J.A. Lima & C.T. Vasconc.) Tsuda, in Nakada, Tanaka, Tsunewaki & Tsuda, Mycoscience 35(3): 277 (1994) Curvularia lunata var. aeria (Bat., J.A. Lima & C.T. Vasconc.) M.B. Ellis, Mycol. Pap. 106: 34 (1966) Malustela aeria Bat., J.A. Lima & C.T. Vasconc., Publicações Inst. Micol. Recife 263: 7 (1960)
On Dracaena fragrans leaves, Sexual morph: Undetermined. Asexual morph: See Manamgoda et al. 2012 conidiophores (90–)110–234(–275) × 6–8 μm (av. = 172 SD = 62 n = 10; av. = 7, SD = 1, n = 10), arising occasionally singly or usually in groups, branched, septate, geniculate at upper part, brown to pale reddish, lighter towards apex. Conidiogenous nodes dark brown, smooth. Conidia (33–)35–57(–69) × 9–15 μm (av. = 46 SD = 11 n = 32; av. = 12 SD = 3 n = 32), smooth-walled, straight or curved, subcylindrical to fusoid, sometimes narrowly clavate, tapering towards rounded apex, basal cell obconic, pale brown to mid reddish brown , 3–4- distoseptate (av. = 4). Hilum inconspicuous, germination bipolar.
Cultural characters – Colonies growing on PDA 4–6 cm diam after 8 d incubation at 25 °C, circular with filiform margin, brown, aerial mycelium sparse to moderate, floccose with age.
Material examined – Thailand, Kanchanaburi Province, Umpang distric, on dead leaves of Dracaena sp., 24 October 2018, Napalai Chaiwan, KAN20 (MFLUCC T20-1612).
Host – Dracaena fragrans (This study).
Distribution – USA, Florida, from human lung biopsy specimen, 1975, (Manamgoda et al. 2012).
GenBank accession numbers – MFLU **; ITS: ***; GAPDH: waiting; TEF1: ***
Notes – See Manamgoda et al. 2012. In this study an isolate (KAN20) of C. lunata from Thailand from an Dracaena fragrans plant substrate in 2018. This culture is sporulation.

Figure ***– Curvularia lunata (MFLUCC T20-1612, herbarium). a. Culture on PDA. b Appearance of mycelium on culture. c,d Conidiogenous cell attached on hypha e, f, g. Conidiophore i. Conidia j. Conidiogenous cell h. Y shaped Conidia Scale bars: a–c, e–i=10 μm. d=5 μm.