Caeliomyces tampanus Crous & Jurjević, sp. nov.
MycoBank number: MB 841810; Index Fungorum number: IF 841810; Facesoffungi number: FoF 15743;
Etymology. Name refers to the collection site, Tampa, Florida.
Conidiomata solitary, pycnidial, brown, globose, 20 – 80 μm diam, with central ostiole, 3 – 6 μm diam; wall of 3 – 6 layers of brown textura angularis. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells lining the inner cavity, hyaline, smooth-walled, ampulliform, 3– 6 × 2– 3 μm, phialidic. Conidia solitary, aseptate, ellipsoid, ends obtuse, green-brown, smooth-walled, 2 – 4 × 1.5 – 2 μm.
Culture characteristics — Colonies flat, spreading, with sparse to moderate aerial mycelium and smooth, lobate mar- gin, reaching 10 – 20 mm diam after 2 wk at 25 °C. On MEA surface and reverse olivaceous grey; on PDA and OA surface and reverse iron grey.
Typus. USA, Florida, Tampa, from office dust, Oct. 2018, Ž. Jurjević 5589 (holotype CBS H-24821, culture ex-type CPC 41060 = CBS 148275, ITS, LSU, cmdA, tef1 (first part) and tub2 sequences GenBank OK664726.1, OK663765.1, OK651143.1, OK651189.1 and OK651207.1).
Notes — Caeliomyces is phylogenetically closely related to coelomycetous genera such as Caatingomyces (Hyde et al. 2019) and Readeriella (Crous et al. 2019c). All three genera have pycnidial conidiomata, phialidic conidiogenous cells, and aseptate, pigmented conidia. However, Readeriella has conidia that tend to vary in shape, and have a thicker wall, darker pigmentation, and percurrently proliferating conidiogenous cells, while Caatingomyces has septate, branched conidiophores with terminal and intercalary conidiogenous cells.
Based on a megablast search of NCBIs GenBank nucleotide database, the closest hits using the ITS sequence had highest similarity to Readeriella deanei (strain CBS 134746, GenBank MH866077.1; Identities = 416/448 (93 %), ten gaps (2 %)), Caatingomyces brasiliensis (as Capnodiales sp. JB- 2019a; strain URM 7916, GenBank MH929437.1; Identities = 460/497 (93 %), 11 gaps (2 %)), and Readeriella angustia (strain CBS 124997, GenBank NR_156531.1; Identities = 491/533 (92 %), 14 gaps (2 %)). Closest hits using the LSU sequence are Readeriella angustia (strain CBS 124998, Gen- Bank NG_057843.1; Identities = 801/817 (98 %), four gaps (0 %)), Caatingomyces brasiliensis (as Capnodiales sp. JB- 2019a; strain URM 7916, GenBank MH929439.1; Identities = 799/815 (98 %), five gaps (0 %)), and Readeriella dimorpho spora (strain CPC 25379, GenBank KX306792.1; Identities = 763/ 779 (98 %), four gaps (0 %)). Closest hits using the cmdA sequence had highest similarity to Readeriella tasmanica (strain CPC 13631, GenBank KF902686.1; Identities = 283/311 (91 %), no gaps), Readeriella dendritica (strain CBS 120032, GenBank KF902674.1; Identities = 282/310 (91 %), no gaps), and Readeriella novaezelandiae (strain CBS 114357, GenBank KF902683.1; Identities = 280/309 (91 %), no gaps). No significant hits were obtained when the tef1 sequence was used in blastn and megablast searches. Closest hits using the tub2 sequence had highest similarity to Readeriella el lipsoidea (strain CBS 142525, GenBank KY979925.1; Identities = 302/362 (83 %), 24 gaps (6 %)), Readeriella lehmannii (strain CPC 28935, GenBank KY173617.1; Identities = 301/ 361 (83 %), 22 gaps (6 %)), and Readeriella menaiensis (strain CBS 125003, GenBank KF442490.1; Identities = 291/352 (83 %), 17 gaps (4 %)).