Brijax gen. nov.
MycoBank number: MB 835991; Index Fungorum number: IF 835991; Facesoffungi number: FoF;
Type species: Brijax amictus, hic designates
Diagnosis: Fossil eucarpic, monocentric thalli, variable in size, <50 µm in total height, consisting of (prolate) spheroidal, pyriform, bulb-shaped, or lenticular sporangium (zoosporangium or resting spore stage; see section 5.1 below), and rhizoidal system arising from single site proximally on sporangium; sporangium inoperculate, composed of central cavity bounded by tenuous or prominent boundary line, and surrounded by inner envelope (= zoosporangium wall or resting spore wall) bounded on outside by delicate limit; rhizoidal system variable in length, distally branched; sporangium/resting spore surrounded by continuous outer envelope (= gelatinous sheath or resting sporangium wall); morphology of discharge apparatus influenced by extrinsic factors; spore liberation through rupture(s) in cavity boundary line below one or several simple openings, pores, or (long) tubes.
Etymology: The genus name Brijax m., an acronym (BRIan J AXsmith), honors the memory and legacy of our colleague and friend Dr. Brian J. Axsmith of Mobile, AL, USA, who passed away suddenly and too soon. His loss leaves a deep void in the paleobotanical community and his colleagues and friends far poorer.