Barrmaeliaceae Voglmayr & Jaklitsch, Mycol. Progr. 17(1–2): 162 (2018)
MycoBank number: MB 822042; Index Fungorum number: IF 822042; Facesoffungi number: FoF 06772; 12 species.
Saprobic on wood or bark. Sexual morph: Stroma if present mostly in wood and blackening the surface in wide areas or in elongate bands, sometimes darker around the ostioles; entostroma prosenchymatous, poorly developed, without KOH extractable pigments. Ascomata perithecial, globose, sometimes raising the substrate, singly, in small groups or gregarious. Peridium melanised, pseudoparenchymatous to prosenchymatous. Paraphyses numerous persistent, septate. Asci 8-spored, cylindrical, persistent, with J-, or infrequently J+, apical ring. Ascospores yellow to dark brown, unicellular with or without germ slit (Barrmaelia), or 2-celled with septum near one end, small cell hyaline, large cell dark brown and with an apical germ apparatus consisting of radial slits (Entosordaria); allantoid or ellipsoid, inequilateral, slightly inequilateral or nearly equilateral, with narrowly or broadly rounded ends. Asexual morph: libertella-like where known (Barrmaelia; Rappaz 1995, adapted from Voglmayr et al. 2018).
Type genus – Barrmaelia Rappaz
Notes – Barrmaeliaceae was introduced by Voglmayr et al. (2018) to accommodate the type genus Barrmaelia and is a sister genus to Entosordaria (Rappaz 1995). Barrmaelia macrospora, B. moravica, B. rhamnicola and Entosordaria perfidiosa were epitypified by Voglmayr et al. (2018). In addition, a new species B. rappazii and Entosordaria quercina were described in the family (Voglmayr et al. 2018).