Atronectria Etayo, Biblthca Lichenol. 98: 52 (2008)

MycoBank number: MB 532866; Index Fungorum number: IF 532866; Facesoffungi number: FoF 13456; 1 morphological species.

Type speciesAtronectria magellanica Etayo

NotesAtronectria was established based on Atronectria magellanica which has clavate asci with an outer layer of textura epidermoidea and oblong, 1-septate ascospores (Etayo & Sancho 2008). Atronectria is similar to Pseudonectriella in having hyaline, oblong ascospores and it is the only species with ascoma having an outer layer of textura epidermoidea in Niessliaceae (Etayo & Sancho 2008).


  • Atronectria magellanica