Aquasphaeria K.D. Hyde, Nova Hedwigia 61(1–2): 122 (1995)
MycoBank number: MB 27561; Index Fungorum number: IF 27561; Facesoffungi number: FoF 06200; 1 morphological species.
Type species – Aquasphaeria dimorphospora K.D. Hyde
Notes – Aquasphaeria was introduced as a freshwater species on submerged wood from Queensland (Hyde 1995d). It was placed in Clypeosphaeriaceae based on morphology (Hyde 1995d). Aquasphaeria dimorphospora is illustrated in this entry. Hyde (1995d) introduced a new genus Aquasphaeria with A. dimorphospora as the type species. Munk (1957) assumed this genus to Lasiosphaeriaceae. Hyde (1995d) placed it to Clypeosphaeriaceae but Maharachchikumbura et al. (2016b) excluded Aquasphaeria from Clypeosphaeriaceae and transferred it to Sordariomycetes, genera incertae sedis. In this study, we include Aquasphaeria into Clypeosphaeriaceae base on ascomata being immersed under a clypeus. Although this genus has been reported as ubiquitous (Australia, Brunei, Seychelles, Malaysia, Thailand fide Hyde 1995d, Ho et al. 2001, Sivichai et al. 2002), there have been no recent collections.