Phylloscypha Van Vooren, gen. nov.

MycoBank number: MB 835822; Index Fungorum number: IF 835822; Facesoffungi number: FoF14401;

Type-species: Peziza phyllogena Cooke

Etymology: From ancient Greek σκύφος (skúphos) meaning “cup” and φύλλον (phýllon) meaning “leaf”, referring to the type-species P. phyllogena.

Description: Ascomata epigeous, cupulate, sessile, external sur- face distinctly furfuraceous or pustulate. Flesh without latex, purplish-coloured. Asci operculate, 8-spored, with crozier, wall diffusely bluing in an iodine solution (W type). Paraphyses hyaline, with an external pigment at the top, pale brown, olivaceous brown or dark brown. Ascospores eguttulate but containing small polar granules, ornamented with warts. Excipulum of textura globulosa, with medium-sized to large cells. Species saprobic.


  • Peziza phyllogena