Sympoventuriaceae Y. Zhang ter, C.L. Schoch & K.D. Hyde, Fungal Diversity 51: 255 (2011).
MycoBank number: MB 563117; Index Fungorum number: IF 563117; Facesoffungi number: FoF 06346, 130 species.
Pathogenic or saprobic on plants. Sexual morph: Ascomata pseudothecia, solitary or aggregated, immersed in host tissue, erumpent when mature, subglobose to globose, substomatal, subepidermal, inconspicuous; walls pigmented; papillate, ostiolate. Peridium thick-walled, comprising of 2–3 layers of brown to dark brown cells of textura angularis. Hamathecium comprising 2 μm wide, septate, hyaline, cellular pseudoparaphyses, anastomosing between and above the asci, constricted at the septa. Asci 8-spored, bitunicate, fissitunicate, subcylindrical, pedicellate. Ascospores crowded or partially overlapping in asci, symmetrical, fusoid-ellipsoidal, hyaline, medianly 1-septate, constricted at the septum, widest in the middle of each cell, guttulate, smooth-walled with slightly rough ends. Asexual morph: Hyphomycetous. “sympodiella”-like, “fusicladium”-like, Veronaeopsis. Mycelium forming a superficial network with pigmented, thin- to thick-walled, smooth, septate, anastomosing hyphae. Conidiogenous cells integrated, mono-blastic, holoblastic or polyblastic, sympodial, with inconspicuous scars. Conidiophores septate, solitary, slightly thickened and darkened, producing conidial chains with up to 20 conidia. Conidia thin-walled, cylindrical, sometimes globose to broadly oval at maturity, with truncate ends, hyaline to yellow brown, 1–5 septate to muriform, in unbranched chains on terminal portion of the conidiophores, smooth-walled, guttulate or not.
Type: Sympoventuria Crous & Seifert.
Notes: Species of Sympoventuriaceae have parasitic or saprobic lifestyles and can be found on leaves or stems of dicotyledons (Zhang et al. 2011). Species of Sympoventuriaceae are hyphomycetous and sexual morphs for most of the species are not determined (Huanraluek et al. 2019b). According to the outline of Ascomycota 2017, Acroconidiellina and Sympoventuria are included in this family (Wijayawardene et al. 2018).