Strattonia tetraspora (R. Stratton) Cif., Sydowia 8(1-6): 245 (1954)
Basionym: Fimetaria tetraspora R. Stratton, Ohio St. Univ. Bull. 26: 84 (1921)
MycoBank number: MB 306536; Index Fungorum number: IF 306536; Facesoffungi number: FoF 10132;
On rotten paper. Sexual morph Ascomata perithecial, solitary to gregarious, superficial to immersed, coriaceous, pyriform to subglobose, black, ostiolate. Asci 4-spored, unitunicate, cylindrical. Ascospores uni-seriate, fusiform to obovoid, composed of a brown upper cell, with an apical germ pore, and a hyaline pedicel, sometimes surrounded by gelatinous sheath, but pedicel never. Asexual morph Undetermined (adapted from Ciferri 1954; Lundqvist 1972).
Known hosts and distribution: On rotten paper in Dominica (type locality) (Ciferri 1954).
Notes: Ciferri (1954) introduced Strattonia tetraspora and noted that this species was found on rotten paper from Moca, Santiago, Dominican Republic, in April 1928. Lundqvist (1972) mentioned that the authentic sample of S. tetraspora is lacking. In this study, we also could not obtain any authentic specimens or illustrations of S. tetraspora. This makes it impossible for us to identify its substrate, nor can we provide more information about this species. However, we provided the hand-drawing of Strattonia zopfii (Fig. 45a), which is similar to S. tetraspora has ascospores surrounded by a gelatinous sheath but invaginated at the pedicel, refer to Lundqvist (1972).