Sphaerodothella C.A. Pearce & K.D. Hyde, Fungal Divers. 6: 85 (2001)

Index Fungorum number: IF 28523; MycoBank number: MB 28523Facesoffungi number: FoF 14625; 1 morphological species.

Type speciesSphaerodothella danthoniae (McAlpine) C.A. Pearce & K.D. Hyde

NotesSphaerodothella was introduced by Pearce & Hyde (2001) to accommodate S. danthoniae, which produces black tar spots on leaves and culms of Danthonia spp. Sphaerodothella danthoniae has a peridium composed of hyaline to brown, thin-walled, flattened fungal cells which merge with host cells, rather than a distinct stroma of melanized textura globosa, and pale brown ascospores which have a distinctive, dark brown, mucilaginous perisporium (Pearce & Hyde 2001).


  • Sphaerodothella danthoniae