Rossmanomyces Aime & McTaggart, gen. nov.
MycoBank number: MB 836632; Index Fungorum number: IF 836632; Facesoffungi number: FoF;
Type species: Rossmanomyces pyrolae (Rostr.) Aime & McTaggart, this paper.
Etymology: In honour of Amy Rossman, biologist, mycologist, plant pathologist, and mentor.
Diagnosis: Similar to Chrysomyxa but differs in forming a systemic sporothallus; differs from all other rust fungi in forming sporothalli on Moneses and Orthilia (Ericaceae).
Description: See Saville (1950) and Feau et al. (2011). Gametothalli systemic in cones of Picea species; sporothalli systemic in Moneses, Orthilia, and Pyrola species.