Raghukumaria Devadatha, V.V Sarma et E.B.G Jones, in Jones et al., Bot. Mar. 63(2): 163 (2019) [2020].
MycoBank number: MB 829062; Index Fungorum number: IF 829062; Facesoffungi number: FoF 08384; 1 morphological species (Jones et al. 2020), 1 species with molecular data.
Type species – Raghukumaria keshaphalae Devadatha, V.V Sarma et E.B.G Jones, in Jones et al., Bot. Mar. 63(2): 163 (2019) [2020].
Notes – Raghukumaria shares some characters with Halomassarina and Falciformispora, but can be distinguished in having immersed ascomata, without a clypeus and periphyses, covered by hyphae-like setae and broadly fusiform ascospores, with narrowly rounded ends, rough-walled or slightly verruculose, lacking globules, appendages or gelatinous sheaths (Jones et al. 2019a). Phylogenetic analyses indicated that this genus formed as a distinct lineage within Trematosphaeriaceae (Jones et al. 2019a, this study).