Pyrenotrichaceae Zahlbr., (1926)
MycoBank number: MB 92179; Index Fungorum number: IF 92179; Facesoffungi number: FoF 10391;
Thallus corticolous or foliicolous, composed of densely arranged, but not conglutinated, appressed filaments, filaments formed by unbranched or falsely branched photobiont threads wrapped in a sheath of fungal hyphae, hyphae branched and anastomosing, formed by elongate, often strongly curved and terminally inflated, pale brownish cells. Photobiont cyanobacterial. Sexual morph: Ascomata perithecioid, sessile or immersed between thallus filaments, globose to pear-shaped with a short neck, glabrous. Ostiole indistinct, with rather long, hyaline periphysoids. Excipulum thin, paraplectenchymatous, composed several layers of narrow to broader, thin-walled to thick-walled and hyaline to strongly pigmented cells. Involucrellum absent. Hamathecium aparaphysate, I+, KI+. Asci fissitunicate, broadly clavate to saccate, I-, KI- but lumen I+ yellow and KI+ pale yellow. Ascospores 8-spored, transversally septate to muriform, pale to dark grayish brown. Asexual morph: Undetermined.
Type: Pyrenothrix Riddle