Pterosporomyces Guevara, Gómez, & Z.W. Ge gen. nov.
MycoBank number: MB 834809; Index Fungorum number: IF 834809; Facesoffungi number: FoF
GenBank: MZ343611, MZ343612 & MK811032
Typification: Pterosporomyces herrerae (Guevara, Gómez, Castellano) Guevara, Gómez & Z.W. Ge
Etymology: “in reference to a fungus with wing (utricle) spore ” the genus is dedicated to the pioneer mycologist from northern Mexico José Castillo Tovar.
Diagnosis: The genus differs from all other known Phallales by the spores with distinct inflated utricle laterally, and ITS and ATP6 analysis placed this taxon into the family Trappeaceae.