Pseudofusicoccum dracaenae Chaiwan & K.D. Hyde, sp. nov. Fig. ***
MycoBank number: MB; Index Fungorum number: IF; Facesoffungi number: FoF 10754;
Holotype – MFLU 18–****
Etymology – Referring to the host genus on which the fungus was collected, Dracaena (Asparagaceae).
Saprobic on Dracaena fragrans. Sexual morph: Undetermined. Asexual morph: Coelomycetous. Conidiomata 150–190 μm high × 130–170 μm diam. (x̅= 170 × 100 μm; n = 10), semi-immersed, solitary, globose to subglobose, papillate, covered by host epidermal tissues, lack of ostiole. Conidiomata wall 20–40 μm wide (x̅ = 30 μm; n = 20), outer pale brown textura angularis cell layers, inner hyaline textura angularis cell layer, embedded within plant tissues. Conidiogenous cells 14–18 × 4–6 μm (x̅ = 16 × 5 μm; n = 20), phialidic, ovate to cylindrical, smooth, hyaline. Conidia 20–40 × 5–10 μm (x̅= 30 × 7.5 μm; n = 30), hyaline, ellipsoid, occasionally slightly bent or irregularly shaped, apices rounded, smooth with fine granular content, unicellular, thin-walled.
Material examined – THAILAND, Tak Province, dead leaves of Dracaena fragrans, 21 October 2018, Napalai Chaiwan, Tak4 (MFLU 18–***, holotype), Tak6 (MFLU 18–***, isotype.
Host – Dracaena sp.—(This study).
Distribution – Thailand—(This study).
GenBank accession numbers – ITS: ***, TEF1: ***, TUB2: ***
Notes – Pseudofusicoccum dracaenae clusters with two strains of fungi collection from Dracaena fragrans. However, Pseudofusicoccum dracaenae has bacilliform conidia in the immature stage but these later become irregular in shape, without a mucilaginous sheath. A comparison of the ITS nucleotides of these two strains reveals 187/782 (0.239%) nucleotide differences and comparison of the TEF nucleotides of these two strains reveals 126/1118 (0.112%) nucleotide differences, which indicates that they are distinct taxa (Jeewon & Hyde 2016).
Figure ***– Pseudofusicoccum dracaenae (MFLU ***, (Tak4) herbarium). a–b Appearance of ascomata on host substrate. c Peridium d. Section through conidioma e–j. Conidiogenous cell k–s. Conidia Scale bars: a=2000 μm. b=500 μm. c–h=20 μm. i–s=10 μm.
Figure ***– Pseudofusicoccum dracaenae (MFLU ***, (Tak6) herbarium). a–b Appearance of ascomata on host substrate. c Peridium d. Section through conidioma e–j. Conidiogenous cell k–s. Conidia Scale bars: a=2000 μm. b=500 μm. c–h=20 μm. i–s=10 μm.