Phytophthora rhizophorae Pires-Zottar., A.L. Jesus & Marano, sp. nov.
Index Fungorum number: IF 551607, Facesoffungi number: FoF 01274, Fig. 1
Etymology — “rhizophorae” refers to Rhizophora mangle, the substrate from where this species was isolated.
Holotype — SP 466375
Mycelium well-developed on PYGs, aerial mycelium scanty, hyaline, branched, non-septate, hyphae 3.5 – 6.3 μm thick (av. 5.1μm); hyphal swellings sphearical, globose, tubular, obpyriform to irregular. Zoosporangiophores undifferentiated from the vegetative hyphae, long, simple, bearing one terminal zoosporangium. Zoosporangia internally proliferating, ovoid to obpyriphorm, non-papillate to semi-papillate, non-deciduous, 35 – 58 × 20 – 45 μm (av. 45 – 32 μm); basalplug present. Zoospores formed inside the zoosporangia and discharged by a globose vesicle; encysted zoospores 7.5 – 12.5 μm diam. (av. 9.3 μm). Chlamydospores and sexual structures absent. Gametangia not produced in single culture or when paired with tester strains of P. capsici A1 (CBS 111334) and A2 (CBS 370.72). Auto-sterile when the isolates were paired with each other. Radial growth rates on PYGs (photoperiod: 12 hs) at near the optimum temperature (30 °C) = 14± 2 mm/d (n= 10); at near the maximum temperature (35 °C) = 7 ± 2 mm/d (n = 10); no growth was observed during five days at 40 °C but the growth was reactivated after subsequent incubation at room temperature (~20 °C).
Culture characteristics — colonies petaloid on PYGs.
Material examined — BRAZIL, São Paulo, Cananéia, BParque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso^ (PEIC), 25°03′05″– 25°18′18″S; 47°53′48″–48°05′42″W, Perequê river (salinity 0.8 %), from leaves of Rhizophora mangle, on Sorghum sp. seeds, 30 Aug 2012, A.L. Jesus, C.L.A. Pires-Zottarelli & A.V. Marano (SP 466375, holotype), ex-holotypes CCIBt 4152, MMBF 09/15; Idem (SP 466374, paratype), exparatypes CCIBt 4121, MMBF 08/15.

Fig. 1 Phytophthora rhizophorae (holotype) a Apapillate zoosporangia during different stages of zoospore differentiation b, c Empty zoosporangium with internal proliferation c General aspect of the zoosporangiophore with both nested and extended internal proliferation d, e Nested proliferation of the zoosporangium f – h Differentmorphologies of hyphal swellings i Petaloid colony pattern onto PYGs culture medium (CCIBt 4121). Scale bars: a – i = 10 μm.