Phycomelaina Kohlm., Phytopath. Z. 63: 350 (1968)

Index Fungorum number: IF 4044; MycoBank number: MB 4044Facesoffungi number: FoF 13506; 1 morphological species.

Type speciesPhycomelaina laminariae (Rostr.) Kohlm.

NotesPhycomelaina is a monotypic genus which is typified by P. laminariae that was originally described by Rostrup (1894-95) in Dothidella. Phycomelaina laminariae is parasitic on marine algal kelps, Laminaria saccacharina, and other Laminaria species (Schatz 1983 and is not a common species.


  • Phycomelaina laminariae