Phillipsia domingensis (Berk.) Berk. ex Denison, Mycologia 61(2): 293 (1969) Figures 14
MycoBank number: MB 122362; Index Fungorum number: IF 122362; Facesoffungi number: FoF 02868;
Saprobic on dead wood. Sexual morph: Apothecia 7−11 mm high, up to 4 cm broad, scattered, leathery, shallowly cupulate to discoid, substipitate to shortly stipitate. Stipe up to 3 mm long, 5 mm broad, central to eccentrical, obconical, solid, bright beige red (RAL 3012), or reddish, or creamy yellowish, with pubescent. Receptacle shallowly cupulate, receptacle surface concolorous with the stipe, with pubescent, margin entire. Disc shallowly cup-shaped to discoid, pearl pink (RAL 3033) to orient red (RAL 3031), or with yellow patches. Stipitipellis 60−90 µm broad, of textura porrecta to textura epidermoidea, yellowish to subhyaline, composed of 4−7 µm broad hyphae, with some outermost hyphae irregularly loosely aggregate to form pubescent surface. Ectal excipulum 60−100 µm broad, of textura porrecta to textura epidermoidea, yellowish to subhyaline, composed of 4−7 µm broad hyphae, with some loose hypha free in outermost. Medullary excipulum 280−650 µm broad, of textura intricata, hyaline, composed of 3−4 µm broad hyphae. Hymenium 300−350 µm broad, pink to red, paraphyses exceeding the asci sightly. Paraphyses 1−2 µm broad in the middle, filiform, reddish contents, septate, branched, J–. Asci 285−346 × 11−14 µm, 8-spored, eccentrically operculate, subcylindrical, obtuse apexes, becoming narrow towards the base, J–. Ascospores [20/1/1, in H2O] (19.8−) 20.5−24.2 (−27.7) × (10.4−) 10.6 −12.0 (−13.2) µm (Q = 1.82−2.17 µm, Q = 1.98 ± 0.08 µm), subreniform or reniform with pointed or subpapillate ends, uniseriate, inequilateral, uniguttulate or biguttulate, ornamentation with several longitudinal striations, sheath-like structure appears in 10% KOH, along with the disappearance of ornamentation. Asexual morph: Undetermined.

Phillipsia domingensis. a−c Fresh apothecia. d Stipitipellis. e Ectal excipulum. f Hymenium. g−i Asci. j−l Apexes of asci. m−q Ascospores. (p, q Ascospore in 10% KOH). Scale bars: d, e = 30 μm. f−i = 50 μm. j−q = 10 μm.