Petchia siamensis Thanakitp., Mongkols. & Luangsa-ard, sp. nov.
MycoBank number: MB 830168; Index Fungorum number: IF 830168; Facesoffungi number: FoF14494
Etymology. Referring to ‘Siam’, old name for Thailand, where the species was collected.
Typus. THAILAND, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Khao Yai National Park, on ootheca of praying mantis (Mantidae), in leaf litter, 20 July 2014, K. Ta sanathai, A. Khonsanit, W. Noisripoom & D. Thanakitpipattana (holotype BBH 39551, ex-type culture BCC73636).
Asexual morph. Acremonium-like.Stromata erect, robust, multiple, arising from the egg case of insect host, pale cream (OAC900), cylindrical, up to 2 cm long, 0.8 –1 cm wide. Fertile part occurs at the terminal end of stroma, globose, 1.5 –1.8 mm diam. Perithecia pseudo-immersed, ob- pyriform, (600 –)637– 827(– 870) × (320 –)343 – 393(– 400) µm. Asci cylindrical, 8-spored, up to 320 µm long, 2.5 – 3 µm wide. Ascus cap rounded, 2 × 2.5 µm. Ascospores whole, multiseptate, filiform, hyaline, septate, (200 –)202 – 268(– 300) × 1–1.5 µm.
Culture characteristics (from germinating ascospores) — Colonies on PDA moderate-growing, attaining c. 3 cm diam after 21 d at 20 °C. Colony purplish grey (OAC557), cottony, with high mycelial density. Colony reverse pale brown (OAC813). Vegetative hyphae smooth, septate, hyaline, c. 3 µm diam. Conidiogenous structures consisting of erect conidiophores arising from the vegetative hyphae and aerial hyphae. Conidiophores forming verticillate branches with phialides singly or in whorls of three to five. Phialides (10 –)12 – 20(– 28) × 1– 2 µm, awl- shaped, acremonium-like. Conidia aggregated in slimy heads at the apex of phialides, hyaline, ellipsoidal or reniform, 1-celled, (3 –)4 – 6 × 1– 2 µm. Chlamydospores not observed. Colonies on PSA moderate-growing, attaining c. 3 cm diam after 21 d at 20 °C. Colony purplish grey (OAC557), cottony with high mycelial density. Colony reverse pale yellow (OAC813). Vegetative hyphae smooth, septate, hyaline, c. 3 µm diam. Conidiogenous structures consisting of erect conidiophores arising from the vegetative hyphae and aerial hyphae. Conidiophores forming verticillate branches with phialides singly or in whorls of three to five. Phialides 10 – 20(– 25) × 1– 2 µm, awl-shaped, acremonium-like. Conidia aggregated in slimy heads at the apex of phialides, hyaline, ellipsoidal 1-celled, (3 –)4 – 5(– 6) × 1– 2 µm. Chlamydospores not observed. Colonies on SDAY/4 moderate-growing, attaining c. 2.5 cm diam after 21 d at 20 °C.
Colony white with irregular edges, velvety. Colony reverse pale yellow (OAC813). Vegetative hyphae smooth, septate, hyaline, c. 3 µm diam. Conidiogenous structures consisting of erect conidiophores arising from the vegetative hyphae and aerial hyphae. Conidiophores forming verticillate branches with phialides singly or in whorls of three to five. Phialides 12 – 20(– 35) × 1– 2 µm, awl-shaped, acremonium-like. Conidia aggregated in slimy heads at the apex of phialides, hyaline, ellipsoidal or reniform, 1-celled, (3 –)3.5 – 5(– 6) × 1– 2 µm. Chlamydospores not
Additional materials examined. THAILAND, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Khao Yai National Park, on ootheca of praying mantis (Mantidae), in leaf litter, 2 June 2011, K. Tasanathai, P. Srikitikulchai, S. Mongkolsamrit, A. Khonsanit, K. Sansatchanon & W. Noisripoom (BBH 37736, BCC48062); Chiang Mai Province, Ban Hua Thung community forest, on ootheca of praying mantis (Mantidae), 25 Oct. 2013, K. Tasanathai, P. Srikitikulchai, A. Khonsanit, W. Noisripoom, D. Thanakitpipattana & S. Watcharapayungkit (BBH 38368, BCC68420), (BBH 37855, BCC68421), (BBH 37793, BCC68417); Ban Hua Thung community forest, on ootheca of praying mantis (Mantidae), 29 Oct. 2014, K. Tasanathai, A. Khonsanit, W. Noisripoom, D. Thanakitpipattana, P. Srikitikulchai & S. Wongkanoun (BBH 39627, BCC75724), (BBH 39660, BCC75750); Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Khao Yai National Park, on ootheca of praying mantis (Mantidae), in leaf litter, 20 July 2014, K. Tasanathai, A. Khon sanit, W. Noisripoom & D. Thanakitpipattana (BBH 39552, BCC73637).

Fig. 7 Petchia siamensis (BBH 39551, BCC73636). a– b. Fungus on egg case of praying mantis; c. ascomata; d. perithecia; e– f. asci; g. ascospores; h– i. colony on PDA at 21 d (h) obverse (i) reverse; j– k. phialides with conidia on PDA; l. conidia; m– n. colony on PSA at 21 d (m) obverse (n) reverse; o– p. phialides with conidia on PSA; q. conidia; r– s. colony on SDAY/4 at 21 d (r) obverse (s) reverse; t– u. phialides with conidia on SDAY/4; v. conidia. — Scale bars: a– b, h– i, m– n, r– s = 1 cm; c = 1 mm; d = 200 μm; e = 50 μm; f = 5 μm; g, j– l, o– q, t– v = 10 μm.