Novakomyces Dlauchy, Péter & Cˇ adež gen. nov.
Mycobank number: MB 838646; Index Fungorum number: IF 838646; Facesoffungi number: FoF;
Member of Novakomycetaceae Dlauchy, Péter & Cˇ adež fam. nov.
Novakomyces (No’ N.L. Novakomyces nom. masc. sing. n. combination of personal name Novák and Gr. masc. n. µυ´κης, -ητoς a mushroom). The genus is named in honour of E.K. Novák in recognition of his major contribution to the taxonomy of yeasts. The diagnosis of the genus Novakomyces is based on the description of the family Novakomycetaceae fam. nov. In addition, the single known species does not ferment sugars and does not assimilate nitrate.
Type species: Novakomyces olei Dlauchy, Péter & Cˇ adež sp. nov.