Neohelicoma Y.Z. Lu, Boonmee & K.D. Hyde, Fungal Diversity 92: 224 (2018).

MycoBank number: MB 554864; Index Fungorum number: IF 554864; Facesoffungi number: FoF 04734; – 1 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020), 1 species with molecular data.

Type species: Neohelicoma fagacearum (Boonmee & K.D. Hyde) Y.Z. Lu, Fungal Diversity 92: 224 (2018).

Helicoma fagacearum Boonmee & K.D. Hyde, in Boonmee et al., Fungal Diversity 68: 271 (2014).

Notes: Neohelicoma was introduced based on phylogenetic evidence. Neohelicoma shares similar sexual morph with Helicoma in ascomata, asci and ascospores, but phylogenetic analyses supported it as a distinct genus (Lu et al. 2018b). The type species Neohelicoma fagacearum is the only accepted species within this genus.


  • Neohelicoma fagacearum