Neocamarosporiaceae Wanas., Wijayaw., Crous & K.D. Hyde, Stud. Mycol. 87: 245 (2017).
MycoBank number: MB 821966; Index Fungorum number: IF 821966; Facesoffungi number: FoF 03556, 21 species.
Saprobic of leaves and wood. Sexual morph: Ascomata superficial to semi-immersed, confluent, gregarious, fully or partly erumpent, globose, without papillate ostiole. Ostiole central, short, erect or slightly sunken, smooth, hyaline cells filled in ostiole canal. Peridium thin, comprising blackish to brown loosely packed cells of textura angularis. Hamathecium comprising numerous, filamentous, branched septate, cellular pseudoparaphyses. Asci 8-spored, bitunicate, fissitunicate, cylindricalclavate to cylindrical, pedicellate, rounded at apex, with a minute ocular chamber. Ascospores 1-seriately overlapping, muriform, mostly ellipsoidal, initially hyaline, becoming pale brown at maturity, 5–7-transversely septate, with 1–2 longitudinal septa, deeply constricted at middle septum, slightly constricted at remaining septa, rounded at both ends, surrounded by a mucilaginous sheath. Asexual morph: Conidiomata immersed, becoming erumpent, globose, brown to black, ostiolate. Ostiole central and papillate. Conidiomata thin– walled, composed of brown cells of textura angularis. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells. Conidiogenous cells proliferating several times percurrently near apex, ampulliform to doliiform, separate, hyaline, smooth-walled. Conidia solitary, initially hyaline, aseptate, developing initially a central septum and then becoming muriform, variable from globose to obovoid to ellipsoid, golden brown, finely roughened, thick-walled.
Type – Neocamarosporium Crous & M.J. Wingf.
Notes – Neocamarosporiaceae is basically similar to the Pleosporaceae by its ascospores, but differs in several other characters. The characteristics of the ascomatal wall and their asexual morphs (coelomycetous and hyphomycetous) are specific from each other. Pleosporaceae species are characterized by thick peridium with several hyaline and pigmented cell layers, while Neocamarosporiaceae species can be identified in having thin peridium with only 2–3 pigmented cell layers and lack hyaline cell layers (Wanasinghe et al. 2017a).