Narcissea Wächter & A. Melzer, gen. nov. (Fig. 57)
Index Fungorum number: MB 831471; Facesoffungi number: FoF
Etymology: Named after the French mycologist Narcisse Théophile Patouillard.
Description: Basidiomata small-sized, fimicolous or on fertilized soil, sometimes on plant remnants. Veil well devel- oped, granular, consisting of often incrusted globose elements and chains of subcylindrical cells. Spores small to medium- sized, with a tri- to polygonal outline, laterally strongly flat- tened, germ pore central, often prolonged. Basidia mostly 4- spored. Marginal cells of the lamellar edge lageniform, utriform, interspersed with numerous sphaeropedunculate and clavate cells. Pleurocystidia utriform. Pileocystidia and clamps absent. Figure 56 illustrates the microcharacters.
Type species: Narcissea patouillardii (Quél.) Wächter &A. Melzer (Fig. 55).
Coprinopsis cordispora (T. Gibbs) Gminder; Ref.v.: LO41-01 (Larsson and Örstadius 2008)
Coprinopsis patouillardii (Quél.) G. Moreno; Ref.v.: SZMC-NL-1687 (Nagy, Urban et al. 2010)
The two sister clades /cordisporus certainly represent dif- ferent taxa, because the divergence seems to be too high for being a single species. It is possible to accept Coprinus cardiasporus Bender as a valid taxon. Keirle et al. (2004) have studied the complex in detail; there are also two sister clades, one of them including C. cardiasporus; however, the type was not available. At the moment, it can only be stated that the genus certainly includes two described species but with high probability further species as well.
It is not appropriate to use the name Furfurelli Fr. for this section. The original diagnosis “Furfurelli, pileo furfuraceo micaceove, lamellis adnatis, vulgo apice stipitis dilatato in annulum” would not completely contradict, but Fries (1838) mentions species here, which according to modern knowledge belong to different genera. Pennington (1918) defines his sec- tion Furfurelli as follows “Pileus with micaceous particles or mealy granules” and mentioned as belonging Coprinus patouillardii and Coprinus radiatus (Bolton) Gray.
Fig. 42 Super collapsed phylogram of the complete family Psathyrellaceae incl. outgroup
Fig. 55 Narcissea patouillardii, coll. Wächter DW1607161230; a medium old specimen; b young specimen; photographs: D. Wächter
Fig. 56 Microcharacters of Narcissea patouillardii, AM1751. a Cheilocystidia; b basidia; c pleurocystidia; d spores; e veil elements; scale bar 2.5 μm (spores), 10 μm (other); Drawing: A. Melzer
Fig. 57 Phylogram part of the genus Narcissea; position in tree see Fig. 42