Musicillium Zare & W. Gams, Nova Hedwigia 85(3–4): 482 (2007)

MycoBank number: MB 510696; Index Fungorum number: IF 510696; Facesoffungi number: FoF 13535; 4 species with sequence data.

Type speciesMusicillium theobromae (Turconi) Zare & W. Gams

NotesMusicillium was introduced for the causal agent of cigar-end rot by Zare et al. (2007) based on the morphological difference from Verticillium species. Musicillium elettariae, M. pandanicola, M. theobromae and M. tropicale were included in this genus (Zare et al. 2007, Tibpromma et al. 2018, Giraldo & Crous 2019, Index Fungorum 2020). The genus is characterized by conidiophores that arise from submerged hyphae, and are erect, septate, repeatedly verticillate towards the apex and distinctly brown throughout (slightly pale only near the tip). Chlamydospores are lacking, but moniliform hyphae are initially subhyaline, but turning brown (Zare et al. 2007, Giraldo & Crous 2019).


  • Musicillium theobromae