Medicopsis Gruyter, Verkley & Crous., Stud. Mycol. 75: 28 (2013).
MycoBank number: MB 564791; Index Fungorum number: IF 564791; Facesoffungi number: FoF 08313; 2 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020), 2 species with molecular data.
Type species – Medicopsis romeroi (Borelli) Gruyter, Verkley & Crous., Stud. Mycol. 75: 28 (2013).
= Pyrenochaeta romeroi Borelli, Dermatologia Venezolana 1: 326 (1959).
Notes – de Gruyter et al. (2013) introduced Medicopsis as a monotypic genus. Tanaka et al. (2017) suggested that Medicopsis belongs to Neohendersoniaceae based on the multi-gene phylogenetic analysis. Asexual morph of the genus includes solitary pycnidia or confluent, globose to pyriform with elongated neck, setose, ostiolate, olivaceous to olivaceous-black, the wall with pseudoparenchymatal cells. Conidiogenous cells are hyaline, phialidic, ampuliform to doliiform, to elongated. Conidia are sub hyaline to yellowish, ellipsoid, aseptate, and catenulate (de Gruyter et al., 2013). Members of this genus can be found as a pathogen of humans and also can occur on plants (Badali et al. 2010, Khan et al. 2011, de Gruyter et al. 2013, Ahmed et al. 2014b). Medicopsis romeroi was described as a human pathogen of tropical origin, and it may cause suppurative subcutaneous or deep nonmycetomatous infections, or a subcutaneous phaeohyphomycotic cyst (Badali et al. 2010).