Maculatifrondes K.D. Hyde, Mycol. Res. 100(12): 1509 (1996)

Index Fungorum number: IF 27719; MycoBank number: MB 27719Facesoffungi number: FoF 13496; 1 morphological species.

Type speciesMaculatifrondes aequatoriensis K.D. Hyde

Notes – Hyde et al. (1996) introduced Maculatifrondes to accommodate M. aequatoriensis, obtained from living leaves of an unidentified palm in Cuyabeno, Ecuador. Maculatifrondes aequatoriensis has early deliquescing asci and a cyclodomus-like asexual morph (Hyde et al. 1996).


  • Maculatifrondes aequatoriensis