Luteochaete C.C. Chen & Sheng H. Wu, in Chen, Chen & Wu, Fungal Diversity 111: 425 (2021)
MycoBank number: MB 840789; Index Fungorum number: IF 840789; Facesoffungi number: FoF 12594;
Type species: Luteochaete subglobosa (≡ Phanerochaete subglobosa).
Etymology: From luteo– (= buff) + –chaete (= large hair), referring to the type species with buff hymenial surface, and protruding lamprocystidia in the hymenium.
Description: Basidiocarps effused, adnate, subceraceous to coriaceous. Hymenial surface ivory yellow, pinkish buff or cinnamon-buff, slightly greenish yellow in KOH, smooth. Hyphal system essentially monomitic; generative hyphae simple septate. Subiculum fairly uniform, with compact texture; hyphae horizontal, colorless or yellowish, thick-walled. Hymenial layer thickening, subhymenium clearly differentiated from subiculum, with compact texture; hyphae vertical, colorless, thin-walled or slightly thick-walled, ± agglutinated. Lamprocystidia present, subulate or cylindrical with acute or obtuse apices. Basidia subclavate, 4-sterigmate. Basidiospores broadly ellipsoid or subglobose, colorless, thin-walled, smooth, inamyloid, nondextrinoid, acyanophilous. Causing a white rot.
Notes: In our analyses (Fig. 1), Luteochaete was resolved as monophyletic with strong support including the generic type L. subglobosa from East Asia and an undescribed species from USA. It is characterized by subceraceous to coriaceous basidiocarps with smooth hymenophore turning greenish yellow in KOH, a thickening subiculum of compact texture, simple-septate hyphae, the presence of lamprocystidia, and broadly ellipsoid or subglobose basidiospores. The genus Luteochaete is very similar to Phaeophlebiopsis and Phlebiopsis in morphology, but the latter two genera differ in having basidiocarps without changing or only darkening in KOH, and were recovered in Phanerochaetaceae.
Fig. 1 The phylogram of the phlebioid clade (Phan- erochaetaceae, Irpicaceae, Meruliaceae) of Polyporales inferred from ML analyses using the combined ITS + 28S + rpb1 + rpb2 + tef1 dataset. Branches are labelled with ML BS ≥ 70% and PP ≥ 0.9 from Bayesian analyses. Thicken branches indicated both ML BS ≥ 95% and PP ≥ 0.99 from Bayesian analyses. Lineages labeled A–J represent the Phanerochaete, Donkia, Phlebiopsis, Bjerkandera, Trametopsis, Ceriporia, Hydnophlebia, Sarcodontia, Mycoacia and core Phlebia lineages, respectively. Black stars (★) represent for strains of generic type species. Bar = substitutions per site
Fig. 1 (Continued)
Fig. 1 (Continued)
Fig. 2 Basidiocarps of Luteochaete subglobosa in general and detailed views. a GC 1605-4. b Wu 870918, isotype. Bars = 10 mm