Lomentospora Hennebert & B.G. Desai, Mycotaxon 1(1): 45 (1974)
MycoBank number: MB 8790; Index Fungorum number: IF 8790; Facesoffungi number: FoF 13422; 1 morphological species.
Type species – Lomentospora prolificans Hennebert & B.G. Desai
Notes – Lomentospora prolificans was isolated from greenhouse soil in Belgium. However, the name was thought to be invalid and was placed under Beauveria. Malloch and Salkin (1984) synonymized the species as Scedosporium inflatum. Later the species was renamed as Scedosporium prolificans by Geuho and de Hoog (1991). However, based on its phylogenetic distance and distinguishable morphology from other Scedosporium species, the species was accepted as Lomentospora prolificans (Lackner et al. 2014). Distribution of the genus is limited to Australia, European regions and the USA. Lomentospora species have been reported to cause fungal infections in immunocompromised patients, those with malignancy, and organ and stem cell transplant recipients.