Loculistroma F. Patt. & Charles, Bull. Bureau Plant Industry U.S. Dep. Agric. 171: 11 (1910)
MycoBank number: MB 2913; Index Fungorum number: IF 2913; Facesoffungi number: FoF 13082; 1 morphological species.
Type species – Loculistroma bambusae F. Patt., Charles & Veihmeyer
Notes – The genus was introduced for a single plant pathogenic species with a cladosporium- like asexual morph (White et al. 2003). It infects bamboo and produces green to black, cylindrical, subsessile stromata, subglobose subimmersed perithecia, clavate to cylindrical asci and fusiform, olivaceous, 3-septate ascospores (Patterson et al. 1910).