Legaliana Van Vooren, gen. nov.
MycoBank number: MB 835839; Index Fungorum number: IF 835839; Facesoffungi number: FoF14398;
Type-species: Peziza badia Pers.
Etymology: From Marcelle Le Gal, French mycologist, for her important contributions to the knowledge of Pezizomycetes, especially her work on spore ornamentation published in 1947.
Description: Ascomata epigeous, cupulate or discoid, sessile, dark coloured (brown, reddish brown, olivaceous brown, purplish brown, blackish purple). Flesh without coloured latex, but some- times with a watery juice. Asci operculate, 8-spored, with crozier, wall diffusely bluing in an iodine solution, more or less intensely at the top (WT type). Paraphyses containing a brownish or olive-brown vacuolar pigment, and often showing an external brown pigment at the top. Ascospores biguttulate, sometimes with an oil drop larger than the other, more rarely uniguttulate, ornamented with irregular warts, but often with elongated warts or crests, sometimes forming a network or an incomplete reticulum. Ectal excipulum of textura globulosa/angularis, with large cells. Species saprobic or ectomyc- orrhizal.