Lasiodiplodia chinensis Z. P. Dou, Y. Zhang ter., sp. nov. MycoBank number: MB819527
Etymology: The epithet chinensis refers to China, the country from which it is described.
Holotype: HMAS247143
Saprobic or pathogen, associated with woody branches. Sexual morph: Ascomata immersed under bark, sometimes erumpent, globose to subglobose, solitary or in small groups of up to 4, black, 140–290 µm diam., 170–185 µm high. Papilla up to 28–43 µm diam. wide, with a central ostile. Peridium 12–49 µm wide, thin to thick-walled, composed of several layers of dark brown to black cells of textura angularis. Pseudoparaphyses hyaline, cellular, septate, constricted at the septum, 3–4 µm wide. Asci bitunicate with thick endotunica and well-developed apical chamber best seen in water, with a short, furcate pedicel, broadly clavate to clavate, 53–90(–116) × 14–23(–25) µm, 8-spored. Ascospores overlapping bi- to tri-seriate, fusiform to broadly fusiform, with rounded ends, the upper half often broader than the lower half, hyaline, aseptate, straight or slightly curved, smooth-walled, 19–25 × 6–9 μm (av. of 30 conidia = 22.1 × 7.6 μm). Asexual morph: Conidiomata stromatic, produced on pine needles on SNA within 1–2 wk, semi-immersed, sometimes superficial, solitary, papillate, uniloculate, dark brown to black, covered with dense mycelium, 210–320 μm diam. Paraphyses cylindrical, initially aseptate, becoming up to 9-septate when mature, unbranched, occasionally basal cells swollen, hyaline, up to 99 μm long, 3–7 μm wide. Conidiophores reduced to conidiogenous cells. Conidiogenous cells holoblastic, hyaline, cylindrical to ampulliform, proliferating percurrently, (8–)10–15(–18) × 4–6(–7) μm (av. = 12.4 × 5.0 μm, n = 20). Conidia produced in culture initially hyaline, unicellular, ovoid to ellipsoid, thickwalled with granular content, round at apex, occasionally truncate at base, becoming pigmented while did not attach to the conidiogenous cell, with one septum when mature, developing longitudinal striations when mature, (18–)19–25 ×12–14 μm (av. of 30 conidia = 21.9 × 12.6 μm, L/W ratio = 1.75, range from 1.43 to 2.08). Spermatogenous cells discrete or integrated, hyaline, smooth, fusiform to broadly cylindrical to ampulliform, holoblastic, proliferating percurrently or proliferating internally resulting in annellations, 8–15 × 2–3 μm. Spermatia hyaline, smooth, aseptate, ellipsoidal to allantoid with rounded ends, 5–7 × 2 μm.
Culture characteristics : Colonies on MEA at 28 °C in darkness, initially white with dense aerial mycelia, becoming pale olivaceous grey to olivaceous grey on the surface within 10 d, with the reverse sides of the colonies olivaceous grey to olivaceous black. Colonies reaching an average of 79 mm on MEA after 2 d in the dark at 28 °C.
Specimens examined : CHINA, Hainan Province, Wanning City, Xinglong medical plants garden, from branch of an unknown woody plant, 4 November 2015, W. He & Z.P. Dou (HMAS247143, holotype), ex-type living culture, CGMCC3.18061; Haikou City, Meilan District, from branch of Canarium parvum, 6 November 2015, Y. Zhang & Y.P. Zhou (CGMCC3.18063);from branch of Hevea brasiliensis, 6 November 2015, Y. Zhang & Y.P. Zhou (CGMCC3.18066); Danzhou City, the Danzhou Tropical Botanical Garden, from branch of Rhodomyrtus tomentosa, 3 November 2015, Y. Zhang & Y.P. Zhou (CGMCC3.18049); from branch of Sterculia lychnophora, 3 November 2015, W. He & Z.P. Dou (HMAS247144, CGMCC3.18067); Shandong province, Qingdao City, Huangdao District, from branch of Vaccinium uliginosum, 13 December 2014, J.H. Zhao (Paratype, HMAS247145, CGMCC3.18044).
Notes : Phylogenetic analyses based on combined ITS, RPB2, TUB and tef1-a sequences indicated that L. chinensis is closely related to L. pseudotheobromae, L. sterculiae and L. lignicola, but the golden to dark brown mature ascospores of L. pseudotheobromae and L. lignicola differentiate these two species from L. chinensis (Tennakoon et al. 2016). Only the asexual morphhas been reported for L. sterculiae, which differs from L. chinensis by its hyaline and smaller conidia ((12–)14–16 (–17) × (8–)10–11 (–12) μm) (Yang et al 2016).
FIG 2. Lasiodiplodia chinensis (from holotype: HMAS247143). A Immersed ascomata on the host. B A section of ascoma with asci inside. C, D Cellular pseudoparaphyses and immature asci. E Ascus tip showing apical chamber and released ascospores. F A mature ascus. G Released ascospores. H Spermatogenous cells. I A section with spermatia inside. Scale bars: a = 200 µm, b–i = 10 µm
FIG 3. Lasiodiplodia chinensis (From ex-type: CGMCC3.18061) A. Conidiomata formed on pine needles in culture; B–D Conidia developing on conidiogenous cells among paraphyses; E Hyaline, immature conidia with granular content; F–G Mature conidia in two different focal planes to show the longitudinal striations. Scale bars: a = 500 µm; b–g = 10 µm.