Koorchalomella Chona, Munjal & J.N. Kapoor, Indian Phytopath. 11: 130 (1958)

MycoBank number: MB 8681; Index Fungorum number: IF 8681; Facesoffungi number: FoF 05691; 2 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020), 1 species with sequence data.

Type speciesKoorchalomella oryzae Chona, Munjal & J.N. Kapoor

Notes – Hyde et al. (2017b) introduced the second species for this genus and provided DNA sequence data for it, which placed the genus in Stachybotryaceae. The genus is characterised by sporodochial conidiomata, unbranched, hyaline setae, branched, hyaline conidiophores, phialidic, hyaline conidiogenous cells and aseptate, hyaline, slimy conidia with funnel-shaped mucilaginous polar appendages (Seifert et al. 2011).


  • Koorchalomella oryzae