Kastanostachys L. Lombard & Crous, Persoonia 36: 192 (2016)

MycoBank number: MB 815999; Index Fungorum number: IF 815999; Facesoffungi number: FoF 05554; 1 species with sequence data.

Type speciesKastanostachys aterrima (Fuckel) L. Lombard & Crous

Notes – The asexual morph of Kastanostachys is characterised by unbranched, percurrent conidiophores, hyaline, phialidic conidiogenous cells and hyaline, smooth, ellipsoidal conidia (Lombard et al. 2016). An epitype was designated for K. aterrima (≡ Melanomma aterrima Fuckel) by Lombard et al. (2016).


  • Kastanostachys aterrima