Humicola Traaen, Nytt Mag. Natur. 52: 31 (1914)
Index Fungorum number: IF 8566; MycoBank number: MB 8566; Facesoffungi number: FoF 13038; 72 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020), 24 species with sequence data.
Type species – Humicola fuscoatra Traaen.
Notes – Humicola was introduced by Traaen (1914) to accommodate two species, H. fuscoatra and H. grisea. A comprehensive study by Wang et al. (2019b) revised the phylogenetic status of the genus. The genus is characterised sexual morphs with superficial, ostiolate ascomata covered by aerial hyphae. Terminal hairs are seta-like, flexuous, undulate, coiled or arcuate with apices incurved to coiled. Asci are clavate, early evanescent and ascospores are limoniform to quadrangular, bilaterally flattened, with an apical germ pore. Asexual morphs producing conidia arise laterally, intercalary or terminally from hyphae without differentiated conidiophores, sometimes together with acremonium-like conidiophores, occasionally only acremonium-like conidiophores are produced.