Heteropsathyrella T. Bau & J.Q. Yan, gen. nov.
MycoBank number: MB 838372; Index Fungorum number: IF 838372; Facesoffungi number: FoF;
Remarks: Pileus hygrophanous, tawny to brown, non-deliquescent. Veil present. Lamellae adnexed. Stipe central, hollow. Basidiospores ellipsoid to subellipsoid, smooth, brown in 5% KOH, pale mouse grey in H2SO4. Hymenium hyaline. Basidia monomorphic. Pseudoparaphyses abundant and regularly distributed. Pleurocystidia and cheilocystidia present. Pileipellis composed of saccate to subglobose cells covered by a 1 cell deep layer of periclinal hyphae which are covered by scattered and irregular deposits dissolving in 5% KOH.
Etymology: Heteropsathyrella, referring to its morphological similarity to Psathyrella.
Type species: Heteropsathyrella macrocystidia T. Bau & J.Q. Yan, sp. nov.