Guanomyces M.C. González, Hanlin & Ulloa, Mycologia 92(6): 1139 (2000)

Index Fungorum number: IF 28466; MycoBank number: MB 28466Facesoffungi number: FoF 13037; 1 species with sequence data.

Type speciesGuanomyces polythrix M.C. González, Hanlin & Ulloa

Notes – Based on morphology and phylogenetic analysis of LSU sequences, Guanomyces was described in Sordariales by González et al. (2000) to accommodate species which were isolated from bat dung. Stchigel et al. (2006) reported that Guanomyces was in Chaetomiaceae (Sordariales). The following studies were concerned with secondary metabolites of Guanomyces polythrix, with the taxonomic status rarely mentioned (Macías et al. 2000, 2001, Mata et al. 2003). The genus is characterised by sexual morph with ascomata that are superficial, ovoidal, ostiolate, with a long neck, composed of glandular hairs, asci that are clavate, deliquescent, J- and ascospores that are ellipsoidal, unicellular, multinucleate and hyaline, not appendaged and without germ pores or slits. Asexual morphs have chlamydospores that are sphaerical or obovate and dark brown.


  • Guanomyces polythrix