Graphyllium Clem., Bot. Surv. Nebraska 5: 6 (1901)

Index Fungorum Number: IF 2133; MycoBank Number: MB 2133; Facesoffungi number: FoF 11445

Sexual morph: Ascomata in linear rows on woody stems, semi-immersed, elongate, hysteriform, black, coriaceous, glabrous, with a central long ostiolar opening. Peridium comprises 2-3 layers of brown, relatively thick cells of textura angularis, inner cells flattened, thin-walled and lighter. Asci 8-spored, bitunicate, clavate to cylindrical, short-stalked, numerous in a basal cluster from a thick, hyaline basal pseudoparenchyma layer. Pseudoparaphyses lacking. Ascospores applanate, muriform, with 3-4 transverse septa, (0)1-2 longitudinal septa, brown to dark brown. (Refer Zhang et al. 2011).

Type species – Graphyllium chloes

Phylogenetic study – There are no sequences available for this genus in GenBank.

Notes – This genus is placed in the Diademaceae in Lumbsch and Huhndorf (2010) and in Hysteriaceae in Index Fungorum ( The longitudinal opening and hysterothecium-like ascomata certainly indicate that the genus should be included in the Hysteriaceae which is suggested here. Hysteriaceous fungi share a similar morphology (i.e., the hysterothecium) and have now been classified into no fewer than five different groups (E. Boehm, pers. comm.), and therefore the final placement of Graphyllium must depend on molecular data (Refer Zhang et al. 2011).