Grandibotrys L. Lombard & Crous, Persoonia 36: 189 (2016)

MycoBank number: MB 815992; Index Fungorum number: IF 815992; Facesoffungi number: FoF 05548; 3 species with sequence data.

Type speciesGrandibotrys pseudotheobromae L. Lombard & Crous

Notes – Two species, G. pseudotheobromae and G. xylophilus, were introduced by Lombard et al. (2016) in Grandibotrys. Hyde et al. (2017b) added G. hyalinus. The genus is characterised by mononematous, unbranched or branched, hyaline conidiophores, phialidic conidiogenous cells and olivaceous green to dark brown, limoniform to ellipsoidal conidia, having a mammiform apical and/or basal protrudance (Lombard et al. 2016).


  • Grandibotrys pseudotheobromae