Glonium Mühl. Cont. Lab. Plant Disease Sci. Fac. Agric. Gifu Univ.101 (1813).
= Solenarium Spreng., Syst. veg. 4(1): 376, 414 (1827).
= Psiloglonium Höhn., Annls. mycol. 16(1): 149 (1918).
MycoBank number: MB 2091; Index Fungorum number: IF 561180; Facesoffungi number: FoF 02167; 36 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020), 3 species with molecular data.
Type species – Glonium stellatum Muhl. ex Fr.
Notes – Glonium is characterized by varied hysterothecia, one in which the fruiting bodies are frequently bifurcate to a greater (e.g. Glonium stellatum and G. circumserpens) or lesser (e.g. G. graphicum) degree, the former two species with radiating stellate composites, usually seated on subicula. The genus comprises thress species with molecular data, two strains of G. stellatum, from Michigan (CBS 207.34) and Tennessee (ANM 32), the USA, and two of G. circumserpens, isolated from wood (CBS 123342 / BPI 878738) and dolerite stone (CBS 123343 / BPI 878739) from Tasmania.