Galzinia Bourdot
Galzinia is a small genus of corticiod fungi typified with G. pedicellata Bourdot. The genus currently comprises nine species (Biodin and Gills 1990, Index fungorum 2016), but the boundaries of the genus is not well-defined and its taxonomy needs to be revised. In our Galzinia type studies (unpublished), we noticed that several types are in poor condition. Morphologically, Galzinia is mainly characterized by cylindrical to urniform basidia sometimes with internal repetition, and allantoid basidiospores (Bernicchia and Gorjón 2010). Except for G. incrustans (Höhn. & Litsch.) Parmasto, most of the other species produce scanty basidiomes which are difficult to see. The generic type G. pedicellata is not yet sequenced; the species is known only from very few collections and our attemps to get sequence data from this species have failed until now. Galzinia incrustans is the only member of the genus sequenced, and nests in the order Corticiales, within the family Corticiaceae (Ghobad-Nejhad et al. 2010).