Endosporium populi-tremuloides Tsuneda, in Tsuneda, Davey, Hambleton & Currah, Botany 86(9): 1023 (2008).
MycoBank number: MB 536901; Index Fungorum number: IF 536901; Facesoffungi number: FoF 08836; Fig. 106
Description: see Pem et al. (2019c).
Material examined: Canada, Whitemud Creek, Edmon- ton, Lansdowne, ca. 1 km west of the Northern Forestry Centre, Alberta, on bud of Populus tremuloides (Salicaceae), 3 November 2002, A. Tsuneda (UAMH 10529, holotype).

Fig. 106 Endosporium populi-tremuloides (UAMH 10529, holotype). a–c Details of herbarium material. d Squash mount of mycelium. e–g Hyphae giving rise to cellular clumps. h–k Blastic conidia. Scale bars: d, e = 20 µm, f, g = 30 µm, h–k = 5 µm