Durotheca Læssøe, Srikitik., Luangsa-ard & M. Stadler, IMA Fungus 4(1): 62 (2013)
Index Fungorum number: IF 803610; MycoBank number: MB 803610; Facesoffungi number: FoF 03089; 6 morphological species (De Long et al. 2019), 6 species with sequence data.
Type species – Durotheca depressa Læssøe & Srikitik.
Notes – Durotheca species have narrow, undulating stromata with ostioles in deep depressions and ascospores with a germ slit or inconspicuous germ slit. Daranagama et al. (2018) and Wendt et al. (2018) treated the genus in Xylariales, incertae sedis due to chemotaxonomic affinities with Chlorostroma and Hypoxylon aeruginosum. Based on multigene phylogeny, De Long et al. (2019) described two species D. crateriformis and D. guizhouensis confirming their taxonomic placement in Hypoxylaceae.