Diplogelasinosporaceae Y. Marin & Stchigel, in Marin-Felix, Miller, Cano-Lira, Guarro, García, Stadler, Huhndorf & Stchigel, Microorganisms 8(9, no. 1430): 10 (2020)
Index Fungorum number: IF 835495; MycoBank number: MB 835495; Facesoffungi number: FoF 14635
Etymology – Named for Diplogelasinospora, the type genus of this family.
Type genus – Diplogelasinospora Cain, Can. J. Bot. 39: 1669. 1961.
Sexual morph Ascomata non-ostiolate, immersed or superficial, scattered or in groups, dark brown to nearly black, spherical, non-stromatic, sometimes covered by hyphae-like setae. Ascomatal wall membranaceous to slightly coriaceous, textura angularis, occasionally cephalothecoid or outer layer of textura intricata, dark brown, opaque. Asci unitunicate, eight-spored, cylindrical to cylindrical-clavate, short stipitate, lacking a distinct apical ring, arranged in parallel fascicles, evanescent. Paraphyses present, cylindrical to moniliform, septate and sometimes constricted at the septa. Ascospores at first hyaline, aseptate, ellipsoidal, becoming transversely septate and two-celled, one cell remaining hyaline, one becoming black and opaque, wall smooth or pitted showing an endodentate endosporium, sometimes with a thin gelatinous sheath. Asexual morph absent or present. Conidiophores lacking or not distinctly differentiated from vegetative hyphae. Conidia arthric, terminal or intercalary, hyaline, oblong to cylindrical, with both ends truncated, smooth-walled, sometimes sliding into a slimy mass; conidia blastic, borne singly and laterally on aerial hyphae, hyaline, ovate to elongate, occasionally subspherical to somewhat elongate, smooth-walled.
Notes – This family includes only species of the genus Diplogelasinospora, which was originally in Neurosporaceae (syn. Sordariaceae) based on the similar ascospore ornamentation of the species belonging to the genus Neurospora (formerly Gelasinospora). Cai et al. observed that this genus did not group in the Sordariaceae and demonstrated that it was more related to the Lasiosphaeriaceae. In our phylogenetic study, this genus formed a well-supported clade distinct from the other families of the Sordariales. Diplogelasinosporaceae can be distinguished from other members of the Lasiosphaeriaceae s. lat., Naviculisporaceae, Schizotheciaceae, and Podosporaceae by the presence of an asexual morph characterized by the production of arthroconidia. A similar asexual morph has been observed in Chaetomiaceae and Sordariaceae. However, the latter ones produce one-celled ascospores, while ascospores are two-celled in Diplogelasinosporaceae. The type species of the genus Lasiosphaeria (L. ovina) was placed into a well-supported clade (clade V, 95 bs/1 pp) together with other spp. of that genus, Corylomyces selenospora and Bellojisia rhychostoma, and several species of Anopodium, Cercophora, Podospora, and Zopfiella. As the rest of the members of Lasiophaeriaceae fall into other distinct clades, we restrict the circumscription of the family Lasiosphaeriaceae as described below.