Diploceras (Sacc.) Died., Mykol. Untersuch. Ber.: 342 (1915)

Index Fungorum number:IF 8043; MycoBank number: MB 8043; Facesoffungi number: FoF 13570; 2 morphological species (Species Fungorum 2020).

Type speciesDiploceras hypericinum (Ces.) Died.

NotesDiploceras was introduced as a subgenus of Hyaloceras by Saccardo (1892) and subsequently raised to generic rank by Diedicke (1915). After re-examining the type, Sutton (1975) re-classified this genus as a synonym of Seimatosporium. Nag Raj (1993) resurrected Diploceras as a genus to accommodate D. hypericinum. Most other species previously classified as Diploceras were later included in Allelochaeta during a study based on multi-gene phylogeny by Crous et al. (2018a). An emended description for this genus was provided by Liu et al. (2019a).


  • Diploceras hypericinum